Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia are required to establish a sufficient number of Emerald Network sites as signatories to the Bern Convention. However, since 2011, not a single new site has been proposed and many stunning rivers remain unprotected. The #EmeraldForRivers campaign aims to support governments in expanding the Emerald Network.

Key facts

  • Balkan rivers are home to 50 fish species of European importance, none of which are sufficiently protected by the Emerald Network.
  • To date, only one biogeographical seminar, which took place as far back as 2011, has been organised to assess Emerald sites in the Western Balkans.
  • During the Emerald Green seminar, 39 scientists and NGO representatives from 11 countries prepared a shadow list along with a map of 88 potential Emerald sites that need to be added to the network

Key issues

  • Launched by the Council of Europe as part of its work under the Bern Convention, the implementation of the Emerald Network at the national level is considered one of the main tools for signatory countries to comply with their obligations under the Convention.
  • Ensuring river conservation and the proper functioning of the Emerald Network in the region is a long-term task that requires cooperation between governments, scientists, NGOs and, in particular, local communities living within or near existing and potential Emerald sites.
  • In the last decade, all Balkan countries have mapped the biodiversity of large parts of their territories in preparation for joining the EU Natura 2000 network. Before becoming Natura 2000 sites as part of EU accession, the most valuable areas should be proposed as Emerald sites.


Video available with subtitles in Albanian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Serbian and Macedonian.

The mountains, rivers, and wetlands of the Western Balkans are among the most pristine in Europe. They are home to a wide range of endangered fish and other aquatic species, many of which exist nowhere else on Earth.

However, this global biodiversity hotspot is fragile and urgently needs protection. To safeguard these ecosystems, an international network of valuable natural areas called the Emerald Network has been established. But in the Western Balkans, these areas still need to be protected by law, and many stunning rivers remain excluded. The proper designation and management of Emerald Network sites is crucial for ensuring the survival of endangered species and preserving the region’s natural beauty.

Emerald Green seminar and shadow list of rivers

In a collaborative effort at the Emerald Green seminar organised by Bankwatch in December 2022, 39 scientists and NGO representatives, including some of Europe’s leading fish experts, identified the most important sites for the protection of freshwater species and habitats. These sites, which must be added to the Emerald Network, are included in a shadow list and map. Featuring 88 potential Emerald sites, the list draws from the latest available data on the distribution and conservation of more than 50 fish species of European importance.

Map of rivers to be added to the Emerald Network

Map posters for print available in AlbanianEnglishBosnian, Montenegrin, Macedonian and Serbian.