OUR WORK AllCampaignsProgrammesTargeted SpeciesImproving the status of Lutra lutra and their habitat in the cross-border area of the National Park Skadar LakeStop Oil and Gas Exploration!Advancing Marine Turtle Conservation: A Comprehensive Study of Nesting Habitats and effective Protection Measures for Carreta carreta in AlbaniaThe Wilderness of Vjosa-NartaAlbania Is BiodiversityPolitical Education for Nature ConservationSustainable Future for Shar-Korab-KoritnikForests Beyond BordersThe Balkan Green Belt TrailThe Campaign against Criminal Poisoning of European Wildlife (CPEW)4PETHABECOTransboundary Brown Bear Conservation (TBBC)Emerald Network in the Western BalkansAnum per AnumBan Lead NowBalkania RouteWE GO COOP Setting the Foundation for a Sustainable Future for Buna River Protected Landscape in Albania and Bojana Delta in Montenegro.Restoration in North Macedonia and AlbaniaPaving the Way towards the Implementation of CCAs in Albania through Enhancement of Governance and Management of PAsRunning out of timeProtecting Vjosa’s Delta from unsustainable urban developmentPaving the way towards a sustainable Natura 2000 network in Albania: The case of Nartë-Pishë-Poro complex siteWhite StorkEgyptian VultureSpring AliveFlight for SurvivalEurasian OtterMediterranean Monk SealBrown BearBalkan LynxDalmatian PelicanProtected Areas for Nature and PeopleTackling PoisoningBalkandetox LifeEastern Adriatic Monk Seal ProjectAdriatic FlywayBalkan WetlandsLand of Eagles and CastlesEgyptian Vulture New LifeBalkan Lynx Recovery Programme