BalkanDetox LIFE project (LIFE19 GIE/NL/001016)

“Strengthen national capacities to fight wildlife poisoning and raise awareness about the problem in the Balkan countries”



Wildlife poisoning represents one of the most urgent conservation issues of today as it has devastating effects on populations of numerous threatened species and can lead to local and regional extinctions. Poison is the single most important threat to vultures in the Balkan peninsula, and has contributed to the regional extinction and severe depletion of all the species in the region. For combating the illegal wildlife poisoning, a new project is now “on board”, called BalkanDetox LIFE. With funding from the EU’s LIFE Programme, the BalkanDetox project is led by the Vulture Conservation Foundation in a joint effort with eight Balkan organizations, raising awareness and strengthening national capacities among key stakeholders to minimize the scale and scope of wildlife poisoning across seven Balkans countries.


Project objectives:

To improve management of poisoning incidents and achieve significant reduction of mortality of vultures and other affected species caused by wildlife poisoning by ensuring real and continued engagement of relevant governmental authorities in combating this issue and labelling it as a socially unacceptable occurrence in the eyes of the general public.



-Development and endorsement of operational protocols for investigation, forensic wildlife necropsy and toxicology and jurisdiction procedures (chain of custody) by the National anti-poisoning working groups;

-Updating and adopting of existing National Anti-Poisoning Road Maps in each country;

-Establishment of national databases containing all incidents of wildlife poisoning;

-Investigation of the origin of legal and illegal toxic substances used in poisoning with poison baits (production and commercialization) through joint efforts with phytosanitary and environmental inspection;

-Reinforcement of institutional capacities and prosecution efficacy of poisoning incidents through the provision of specific training for law enforcement officials and staff relevant for investigation procedures of wildlife poisoning cases, forensic wildlife necropsy and toxicology reinforces their commitment towards combating this problem and significantly increases the efficiency of their work;

-Development of targeted communication and awareness raising activities through: establishing educational programmes in hotspots areas targeting root causes behind this practice and most important stakeholders involved; and

-Implementation of a strong awareness raising campaign about the damaging effects of poisoning to wildlife and human health.



01/10/2020 – 30/09/2025


Learn more on this project by clicking here.
Contact person Ledi Selgjekaj, PPNEA.


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