‘The wilderness of Vjosa-Narta’ is an artistic intervention, implemented by PPNEA with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Tirana office. It started in the middle of December 2022 at Destil Creative Hub, with the aim of bringing in the center of the capital the endangered bird species that shelter in the Narta lagoon, the estuary of Vjosa river, the last free-flowing river in Europe.
Although the Vjosa river is to be declared a national park in the upcoming months, the airport construction planned by the government within its lagoon represents a real threat to the rich biodiversity in the area.
The Narta lagoon is a focal area for the Adriatic flyway. Due to their geographical position and unique environmental conditions, the wetlands offer shelter for wild animals, especially birds, and represent high biological values at the national and international levels.
The recorded interviews focused on broadcasting the many natural values of Vjosa-Narta. Zydjon Vorpsi, a member of PPNEA, discussed in the interview the threat imposed by the Vlora airport, which will jeopardize the entire ecosystem if the construction works continue and the airport is going to be functional. Xhemal Xherri, also a PPNEA member, discussed the rich biodiversity of the area, focusing on migratory bird species, as well as on the nesting ones. Dr. Nebi Bardhoshi, a renowned ethnographer in Albania, discussed about the relationship between the communities and the landscape, giving the exhibition some new perspectives on the local context.
The first exhibition occurred in Destil Creative Hub, at Heinrich Böll Foundation, Tirana office. However, during this year, the project is planned to move to different cities throughout Albania offering pop-up shows in educational institutions, natural parks, etc., aiming to raise awareness of the valuable biodiversity and natural heritage of the country.