Two years ago, on the independence day, the Vjosa delta’s protected nature was invaded by heavy machinery that was meant to turn the protected area into an airport without first obtaining a construction permit!
In contradiction of the law, the authorities started constructing the Vlora International Airport within the Protected Area by promoting propaganda and concealing the facts. By using the same approach, they are trying to reconcile the demands of the European Union with the Bern Convention, which prevents the destruction of Vjosa Narta!
The Standing Committee of the Bern Convention will meet for two days to discuss the Albanian government’s progress and reflections regarding the Convention’s requirements. Sadly, it is known that the authorities will persist in concealing the reality within the Council of Europe due to their inability to take into account the demands made on a national level.
Independence Day should definitely be a reflection for everyone to be aware, get involved and seek for the protection of the irreplaceable nature that our country has!
“Stop the Airport” was produced by journalist Artan Rama, author of the “Elementi i Pestë” and “Sipas Natyrës” series.
You can watch the film documentary on the PPNEA YouTube channel: