More than 600 pine trees were planted in Kurvelesh and Drino Valley

More than 600 pine trees were planted in Kurvelesh and Drino Valley
Gathered in small groups, members of the “Savers of Egyptian Vulture” network in Albania took a community action of planting 600 pine trees along two Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) territories.
This action perfectly showed how a group of nature enthusiasts can contribute to the revitalization of natural habitats. Furthermore, the planting process helped to familiarize a considerable number of locals with the countless threats faced by the Egyptian vulture, strengthening their bond with the last breeding vulture in Albania.
Our team is grateful to Mr. Auron Tare for donating the pine trees to the “Savers of Egyptian Vulture” network and supporting their local involvement in the causes of nature conservation.
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