Preliminary results of the first phase of Egyptian vulture monitoring in Albania

Preliminary results of the first phase of Egyptian vulture monitoring in Albania
The first phase of monitoring for this season of the population of Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Albania is successfully completed. The monitoring results for the confirmation of the territories shows that the population of the Egyptian Vulture in Albania is located in 8 occupied territories in the area of Mallakastra, Tepelena, Gjirokastra, and Përmet. For this year, the population consists of 5 pairs and 3 single individuals. Considering these initial results and comparing them with 2019, we can say that the population of Egyptian Vulture is either stable or declining. Thus, the population of this species continues to be in critical condition. Once very common, today, the Egyptian Vulture is found only in a few limited territories, in the south of the country. The limited number of Egyptian Vultures in Albania is an indicator of the critical state of this population and at the same time, it emphasizes the necessity of taking actions for the protection of the last breeding vulture in our country. These actions are required to focus mainly on: · preventing the use of poison-baits, · the insulation of power lines to prevent electrocution, · habitat conservation and · preventing disturbance and persecution in the territories. This preliminary monitoring of the population of Egyptian Vulture in Albania for 2020 was made possible thanks to the work of AOS, PPNEA, RAPA Gjirokastër and local conservation groups, within the project “Egyptian Vulture New Life”. Among other conservation activities, the team will continue during all the breeding season with routine field observations. Meanwhile, two other expeditions, dedicated to the monitoring of the Egyptian Vulture population will be done, respectively in June and August, in order to specify the exact number of individuals of the population of this species, aiming as well to follow the whole breeding season and calculating productivity (fledglings) per nest. Until then, let’s hope for a good breeding season of Egyptian Vulture in our country!
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