The Transboundary Strategic Framework (TSF) for conservation in Prespa was jointly completed by PrespaNet in 2017 and examines the condition of the most important species, ecosystems, and natural resources in Prespa, as well as identifying threats and prominent issues. Aligning with the work of the national parks and authorities responsible for managing the basin’s protected areas, the TSF offers conservation guidelines to counter threats and proposes best-practice approaches based on scientific research.
The TSF is structured in distinct ‘strategies’, which focus on important issues, like water and wetlands, grasslands and farmlands, or forest management. These strategies have been guiding PrespaNet’s work over the last five years.
In 2022 PrespaNet reviewed the TSF, incorporating current concerns, such as the effects of climate change, and identified what needs more intensive work, such as increasing efforts in waterbird and wetlands conservation.