BirdOn ne Lagunen e Fllakes

BirdOn ne Lagunen e Fllakes

BIRD ON course has officially taken flight!

Last weekend, the BirdON experienced its first practical lesson, visiting Sektori Rinia Fllakë, an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area, which shelters hundreds of bird species.

The young ornithologists, informed about the importance of the area during the first theoretical session, were able to identify the bird species in the field, where among others we can mention the Collared pratincole (Glareola pratincola), the Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia), as well as the Bee-eater (Merops apiaster).

BirdON will continue with further field expeditions, where the knowledge gained during the theoretical sessions will be tested by distinguishing the different species of birds in some of the most important wetlands in the country.

Stay tuned!

#birdon #birdidentificationcourse #ppnea


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