Nature conservation it is not a simple job in the Balkans. Countries have long prioritized economic development over environmental protection, which is often seen as a marginal component in governance and therefore very few opportunities exist to make a career in conservation. However, passion and willingness to preserve nature is still very much alive, especially among the younger generations which are the future of this region. It was this passion that made that many students from Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted to attend the Large Carnivore Field School organized by our partner organization, EuroNatur. Field schools like these have been a huge help for nature conservationists in the region for increasing their knowledge and being actively involved in nature preservation.
PPNEA’s staff has largely benefited by similar trainings in the past which have had a lasting impact for many of its members, who now are ready to return the favour by passing the knowledge and training more students in the Balkans. PPNEA’s Executive Director was one of the trainers at the Large Carnivore Field School held in Bosnia and Herzegovina in August 2019 where he shared his knowledge and experience with the student participants. Have a look at the Euronatur’s news article and read how small, but very significant, activities like these can deeply motivate nature conservationists in the Balkans.
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EuroNatur-Field School.