Wrapping up an exciting third year of the camera trap monitoring!

Wrapping up an exciting third year of the camera trap monitoring!
Our lenses have been the key to unlocking the secrets of large and medium-sized mammals in the bio-corridors of Prespa and Galicica National Park. From Morava – Gramos peaks to the Polis – Gur i Zi – Valamare ecosystem, our camera – traps, have caught a glimpse of the incredible wildlife passing through barriers and human hustle. We can mention the Brown bear, Grey wolf, Red fox, Wild boar, Roe deer, Beech marten, Badger, Brown Hare etc. These findings are evidence of the vital role bio-corridors play in ensuring wildlife movement despite the challenges they face. Stay tuned, as we gear up to share the results of our study in the weeks to come.
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