Your flight is canceled

Your flight is canceled

⚠️🦩🚫 Your flight is cancelled. Forever. ⠀

With cases in Albania, Italy, and Portugal, the latest trend across Europe seems to be that of wiping out nature to build or expand airports instead. In this day and age, you would think governments know better. Destroying these sites, would have terrible consequences for nature, it would destroy stopover and nesting sites for hundreds of thousands of birds. Even people are put at risk due to the dangers of birds colliding with aircrafts.⠀

But the BirdLife Partners are doing everything in their power to protect what belongs to nature and stop these airports! ⠀

The Italian Partner @lipuodv is fighting against the expansion of Malpensa airport, where 44 hectares of one of the last heathlands in northern Italy is at risk of being destroyed! 📢 Help them by signing the petition in the link in bio. ⠀

In Albania, *illegal* airport construction works are taking place within one of the most important wetlands and biodiversity areas and along the Adriatic flyway, crucial for many migratory birds. The Albanian authorities are violating both national laws and international conventions, and rejecting the opposing remarks of international institutions. Environmental NGOs @ppnea and @aos_alb have filed an appeal after the Albanian administrative court rejected the lawsuit against the planned airport in the Narta Lagoon. ⠀

In Portugal, the new airport would be in the Tagus estuary, the country’s most important wetland and stopover site for migratory birds. The area has gained multiple international nature protection statuses. Alongside seven other Portuguese NGOs, Birdlife partner @spea_birdlife has filed a court action with the Lisbon Administrative Court. ⠀


🎥 Albania – PPNEA, Portugal – SPEA, Italy – Marco Tessaro & Norino Canovi⠀

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