Bird flu outbreak in Lesser Prespa, Greek side of the lake

Bird flu outbreak in Lesser Prespa, Greek side of the lake
More than 500 dead pelicans have been recorded in the Lesser Prespa, Greek side, colonies in the last few days. While monitoring, by drone and telescope, the Society for the Protection of Prespa, has established a very sharp increase in the numbers of dead birds.
In accordance with the analysis of samples collected by the veterinary services, with assistance from the park management body, it’s been confirmed that the cause is the H5N1 bird flu virus. The responsible institutions were immediately informed and there was close cooperation between the three countries, in order to organize the best and safest way to collect the dead birds.
International organizations have also been informed of the situation, which is unprecedented and still unfolding.
Fortunately, from our visit to Prespa, but also from the communication with RAPA Korça, we didn’t record any cases of death in the waterbird population on the Albanian side.
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