Illegal poisoning of wildlife

Illegal poisoning of wildlife

It’s time to stop illegal wildlife poisoning!⠀

The intentional use of poison baits to kill predators with the motive to resolve human-wildlife conflicts remains widespread in the Balkans. But this is NOT a solution! It’s a highly harmful and indiscriminate way of killing animals that can have far-reaching consequences for the environment, biodiversity, and even public health. Not to mention, it’s a serious environmental crime punishable by law.⠀

The BalkanDetox LIFE project team combats illegal wildlife poisoning by strengthening national capacities and raising awareness about the problem across seven Balkan countries. We invite you to watch an animation video prepared for this project, which illustrates the serious problem of illegal poisoning of wildlife in the Balkans and how we are all fighting this threat together.⠀

Follow our project to see how our efforts help protect vultures and other protected species in the region.⠀

@vultureconservationfoundation @cireniasketches @euronatur @lifeprogramme @balkandetoxlife

#BalkanDetoxLIFE #BalkansAgainstPoisoning .

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