Interviste Edi Rama per Aeroportin e Vlores

Interviste Edi Rama per Aeroportin e Vlores

Towards the European Union and against its will: The paradox of Vlora airport

Asked about the decision of the Bern Convention by Mr. Ylli Rakipi in the show, the Prime minister of Albania said that this Convention does not impose and that the construction of the airport will continue.

This response is both meaningless and risky. As a sovereign state, Albania is not subject to any external instruments, and recommendations on the implementation of international agreements are necessary for its evaluation on the way to European Integration.

The construction of the airport within the protected area, contrary to the recommendations of the Bern Convention, which consists of European governments and @europeancommission , is a clear violation of the international laws for the protection of nature.

Vlora Airport is undermining the country’s progress in the EU, or the most important political aspiration of Albania.

We call on the government to stop this environmental massacre immediately. @euronatur @birdlife.europe

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