WE GO COOP – Gathering the Community of Practice and 1ST Capacity Building

WE GO COOP – Gathering the Community of Practice and 1ST Capacity Building

Welcome to the inaugural event to design and lay the foundations for a Community of Practice (CoP) in the field of Mediterranean Wetland Contracts. This event is a fundamental milestone on the way to building a collaborative space where experts, managers, institutions and key stakeholders work together to protect and sustainably manage wetlands.

Mediterranean wetlands are vitally important ecosystems facing increasing pressure due to climate change, urbanization, and unsustainable use of their resources. In response to these challenges, wetland contracts are presented as an innovative and effective tool, allowing local communities, governments, and private entities to engage in the conservation and restoration of these crucial ecosystems.

During this event, our objective is threefold:

  • To establish the foundations for the Community of Practice in the Mediterranean.
  • Strengthen capacities through previous experiences in the implementation and management of wetland contracts.
  • Learn about study areas in different areas of the Mediterranean.

The 1st of October session is open to those who are interested in taking part in the Community of Practice on Wetland Contracts and learn more about Wetland Contracts projects and case studies.


WE GO COOP – Gathering the Community of Practice and 1ST Capacity Building – Interreg Euro-MED – WE GO COOP (interreg-euro-med.eu)

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