Last weekend, during the monitoring in the Sektor-Rinia wetland (Lalzi Bay), internationally known as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA), our team observed 3 individuals of the Red knot (Calidris canutus).
This survey represents the first case of wintering of the Red knot in this area and at the same time, represents the second case of wintering of this species in Albania. The first report of wintering of the species was made in January by our team, during the International Waterbird Census, in the Vjosa-Narta protected landscape.
The red knot can be seen in Albania during the passage period, while it breeds in areas in the northern globe and winters on the west coast of Africa, a “ritual” which it performs by passing along the Adriatic Flyway, where Albania represents a key area for its migration.
Such an observation shows the importance that the coastal lagoons of our country have, as stop-over areas or wintering grounds for many waterbird species, including those that carry a status risk at the global level.

© Z. Vorpsi/ PPNEA

© Z. Vorpsi/ PPNEA