At the beginning of July, good news was received from the Administrative Court of Appeal. The decision following the appeal of the plaintiff NGOs, overturns the First Instance Court (FIC) decision that ruled the case inadmissible in December 2022, and orders the return of the lawsuit to be reviewed from scratch by another panel of judges of the FIC. This decision brings back in the game NGOs PPNEA and AOS, to continue with the process against the development of the Vlora Airport.The environmental NGOs, PPNEA and AOS, supported by the international NGO EuroNatur and the international scientific community, on the 23rd of November 2022 sued the Albanian authorities for the illegal construction of the Vlora airport inside the protected area. The plaintiff documented evidence of the irregularities and the violation of laws prior to and along the construction of this devastating project whose work for its construction started in 2021 without a construction permit, as this was only issued at the beginning of February 2023.