The population of little tern into Vjosë-Nartë Protected Landscape

The population of little tern into Vjosë-Nartë Protected Landscape
Vjosë-Nartë Protected Landscape is home to a variety of birds that find in this area suitable conditions for breeding. One of this species is the little turn (Sternula albifrons), whose population is inventoried by PPNEA.
According to the data generated from the monitoring work undertaken along this breeding season, the population of little tern is 230 – 280 breeding pairs, or around 1% of the European population of this species.
From our previous data, in 2015 the population of this species into Vjosë-Nartë Protected Landscape was 377 – 400 breeding pairs. While we are analyzing the causes of this change, we can certainly say that maximal efforts are needed for the preservation of this area, in order for it to continue being a home to a considerable number of birds.
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