Bird nesting boxes in Divjaka-Karavasta and Prespa National Park.
Environmental education is vital for migratory bird #conservation because provides the opportunity for everyone to experience the wonder of migration. We want people of all ages to connect in their shared desire to celebrate migratory birds and unite in common, global effort to protect them and the habitats they need to survive. For this reason, today we are sharing with you the #birdnestingboxes action, organised with school students from the National Parks of Divjaka-Karavasta and Prespa, an action which each of you can take to help migrating #birds.
PPNEA together with RAPA Fier, Noe Conservation and other organisations celebrated Pelican’s Day in the Divjaka-Karavasta National Park. Students from the primary school “Mizë” and the united high school of Fier-Seman, prepared nesting boxes to help migratory birds and visited important areas within the Park.
In #Prespa, at the premisses of our local office, primary school children from the schools of Kallamas and Goricë e Vogël, also prepared bird nest boxes and with joy decorated them with beautiful paintings.