South Outdoor Festival

South Outdoor Festival

A glimpse of PPNEA at the #SouthOutdoorFestival in Borsh!

We’ve just wrapped up two incredible days of outdoor activities dedicated to the Development of a Touring Exhibition for the Eastern Adriatic, all in support of raising awareness about the Mediterranean Monk Seal and its habitat.

Participants had the chance to delve into the biology and behavior of this rare species, while also discovering the conservation measures and efforts put in place to protect its precious habitat. Not only that, but they also learned how individuals and target groups like us can truly make a difference in safeguarding these remarkable creatures.

One of the highlights was the screening of “Shqipëria e Mugët,” a captivating film presented by @hbs_tirana, that showcased the beauty of Albania. However, reality paints a different picture as nature faces destruction.

The Exhibition tour, after a successful run in Montenegro, is now making its way to Albania for several months. It will be displayed in different locations across the country and will later move on to Croatia.

We, as partners in this endeavor, are thrilled to be a part of this fair and highlight the importance of cross-border protection efforts. Through stunning photographs, we aim to create a deeper understanding of the threats faced by our marine ecosystem, as well as the incredible diversity of habitats and other unique aquatic creatures that call the Mediterranean Sea their home.

Stay tuned and join us in supporting this great cause by spreading the word, visiting the Exhibition, and sharing your own experiences with the hashtag #EasternAdriaticTouringExhibition. Together, we can make a positive impact and ensure the preservation of our precious marine environment.

#MonkSealAlliance #SouthOutdoorFestival #MediterraneanMonkSeal #ProtectOurSeas #crossborderconservation


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