Taking Action to End Illegal Wildlife Poisoning in the Balkans

Taking Action to End Illegal Wildlife Poisoning in the Balkans

Tirana, Albania – 05.06.2023 – Illegal wildlife poisoning continues to pose a grave threat to the delicate balance of nature in the Balkans. This cruel and indiscriminate practice, driven by the misguided belief of resolving human-wildlife conflicts, is wreaking havoc on the environment, biodiversity, and public health. The time has come to put an end to this destructive behavior.

The BalkanDetox LIFE project team, in collaboration with seven Balkan countries, is at the forefront of the fight against illegal wildlife poisoning. With a firm commitment to strengthening national capacities and raising awareness about this pressing issue, the project aims to safeguard the region’s natural heritage and foster a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.

As part of our ongoing efforts, we are presenting a captivating animation video that sheds light on the severity of illegal poisoning in the Balkans. This compelling visual narrative unveils the vicious cycle of death caused by poison baits, exposing the devastating impact on ecosystems and the endangered species that inhabit them.

We implore you to witness the urgency of this issue and join us in our collective struggle against this menace.

Breaking the cycle of illegal wildlife poisoning necessitates collaboration and cooperation among governments, conservation organizations, and local communities. The BalkanDetox LIFE project is taking vital steps towards achieving this goal. We are working tirelessly to build the capacities of relevant institutions, enhance enforcement measures, and promote the adoption of preventive strategies and safe alternatives to poison baits. Through comprehensive education and awareness campaigns, we seek to engage all stakeholders in the fight to protect vultures and other precious species within the region.

Join us in this crucial endeavor to safeguard the Balkans’ wildlife and preserve the natural legacy we share. Stay connected with our project updates to witness the positive impact of our collective efforts. Together, we can put an end to illegal wildlife poisoning and ensure a future where humans and animals thrive in harmony.

LINK: Albanian subs BalkanDetox LIFE animation video – YouTube

LINK: Albanian Animation video BalkanDetox LIFE BDL The vicious cycle of death by poisoning – YouTube

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ledi Selgjekaj, Project Manager PPNEA  / [email protected]

Lorena Pyze Xhafaj, Communications and Public Relations Officer / [email protected]

[email protected]

About BalkanDetox LIFE:

The BalkanDetox LIFE project is a collaborative initiative aimed at combating illegal wildlife poisoning in the Balkans. The project works closely with seven Balkan countries to strengthen national capacities, raise awareness, and promote preventive measures to protect endangered species and preserve biodiversity in the region.

For more information, visit: BalkanDetox LIFE: New project combats illegal wildlife poisoning across Balkan countries – PPNEA

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