NewsThe Egyptian vulture and the White stork came back homeSpring came to our country and this news was conveyed today by the members of the network “Savers of the... 07/04/2020Read more
NewsCall for applications – Communications and Public relation officer (PR)Thirrje për aplikim Pozicion pune pranë Qendrës për Ruajtjen dhe Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit Natyror në Shqipëri (PPNEA) Pozicioni: Oficer komunikimi... 07/04/2020Read more
NewsOpening of EU accession negotiations with Albania: A green light also for endangered species & habitats conversationsGave a green light to opening of EU accession negotiations with Albania is very important for further protection of wildlife... 06/04/2020Read more
NewsAlbanian hospitality for the Egyptian vultures returning back homeOnly a few days until the arrival of the Egyptian vulture and the supplementary feeding stations (SFS) are ready to welcome the... 30/03/2020Read more
NewsThe first detailed study of wetland habitats in Prespa National ParkDuring the period from late spring until autumn 2019 PPNEA conducted the first detailed study of wetlands habitats in Prespa.... 27/03/2020Read more
NewsThe bond between the Egyptian vulture and the last free river in EuropeOnly 6 breeding pairs and 3 single adults remain today in Albania and all of them along Vjosa (Aoos) river... 26/03/2020Read more
NewsSpring Alive tweets / Researchers study how birds retweet newsEvery social network has its fake news. And in animal communication networks, even birds discern the trustworthiness of their neighbors,... 18/03/2020Read more
NewsBird Migration season ON – Our top 10 tips on how to be a good birdwatcherSpring Alive is a project organised by BirdLife International to inspire and educate children across Africa and Eurasia about the... 01/03/2020Read more
NewsNew Local Action Group established in Sharr/Šar Planina/Korab-KoritnikOn 31st of January 2020, at Hotel Gjallica Kukes, PPNEA organized the first workshop in the frame of the project... 13/02/2020Read more
NewsMediterranean monk seal, intensive field monitoring in VloraBesides field monitoring of the marine caves in Karaburun-Sazan National Marine Park together with RAPA Vlore for the presence of the Mediterranean... 12/11/2019Read more